Box Game Devlog 3

So I went ahead and skipped ver. 0.3 and uploaded 0.4 because there was quite a few things I changed.

First I want to talk about the movement and shooting. They're still not where I'd like them to be, but they are at least better than they were before. Specifically when it comes to their dependence on frame rate; for some reason I hadn't set them to be frame rate independent. So I did that and had to tweak them a bit and as a result so they might feel a little different for now but I'll keep working on that.

Next the menu. I added a simple little menu that has a play button and a way to set the amount of floors that will be generated, currently the max is 10 and the min is 1. The background is kind of funny, it's a super super simple A.I. that I basically put together in 30min, all it's doing is trying not to crash into walls (failed) and moving towards where there's more space (kind of works). I thought the background needed something other than a blank screen so I made that roomba camera to fill it.

Now the thing I'm most happy about in this build: the shaders (Disclaimer: I am a complete noob  with shaders and I have no idea what I'm doing). I was messing around with shader graph at some point and found that if you combine the camera's position with the emissive color of the object it creates a neat effect. Basically it's changing colors based on where the camera currently is. The other shader I worked on what the one that is moving the objects on the walls, by combing the sin node with the uv node it began to change the shape of the object and so with a little remapping I managed to keep those glowing lines from overextending and the result was this cool sci-fi looking thing. So I put the first shader onto the lines on the wall, the enemies, and the bullets so that they would be the same wherever you are. The second shader I only put onto the lines on the walls since it was changing its shape. 

I did a bit of background stuff too, mostly dealing with efficiency and rendering. Basically I didn't want any enemies or lines on the wall to be rendered unless the player was within a range of them, hopefully that helps performance a bit. 

I plan to add a settings menu where the player will be able to set the mouse sensitivity and some post processing settings. Maybe even let them set some parameters beyond number of floors in the room generator, but that'll be in the future. 

Also, there's been Xbox controller support since the beginning but I always forgot to mention it.

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Oct 31, 2018

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